A: 1 Youth Thrive Independence
A: Adult Pickleball
A: Adult Rec
A: Adult Recreation
A: Affinity Groups
A: American Sign Language
A: April Vacation
A: Arts & Crafts
A: Baseball
A: Basketball
A: Bres Explore
A: Certification Course
A: Children's Art
A: Children's Music
A: Children's Rec and Enrichment
A: Children's Sports and Fitness
A: Children's STEM
A: Childrens STEM and Nature
A: Clipper Athletics (NHS Coaches)
A: Clipper Girls Basketball
A: Clipper Kids, Mates and Crew
A: Community Events
A: Community Service
A: Cooking/ Baking/ Nutrition
A: Dance
A: Donations
A: Early Release/Days Off
A: Entrepreneurship
A: Esports
A: Events
A: Family Programs
A: Family Services and Supports
A: Film/Acting/Media
A: Fitness
A: Games (Boards, Cards, RPG Strategy)
A: Growing Humanitarians
A: Horsemanship/ Equestrian
A: Little Aces
A: Martial Arts
A: Media Skills
A: Minds In Motion
A: Miscellaneous Activities
A: Molin Explore (4th & 5th grade)
A: Multicultural Group
A: Music
A: NAGLY North Trips
A: Nature/ Enviromental
A: NLEC Summer Trips
A: NYS Family Club Membership
A: NYS Spot Drop-in Activites
A: Outlet Project
A: Parent Programs
A: Photography
A: Pre School-Age Programs
A: Pre School-Age Programs
A: Seacoast Technology Programs
A: Skate Park
A: Ski/ Snowboard
A: Soccer
A: Special Events
A: Sports & Rec Programs
A: Surf Club
A: Teen Rec
A: Tennis
A: Therapeutic Rec Programs
A: Travel (family, service, etc)
A: Trips
A: Vacation Weeks
A: Youth Art
A: Youth Center Clubs & Workshop
A: Youth Center Events
A: Youth Center Memberships
A: Youth Center Spring
A: Youth Center Summer
A: Youth Center Teen Trips
A: Youth Center Vacation Weeks
A: Youth Leadership
A: Youth Sports and Fitness
R: City Dept
R: Commercial (for profit)
R: Gr D- one time or recurring- chargi
R: Group A- City Departments, Schools
R: Group B- Reoccurring youth leagues
R: Group C- Recurring use by organizat
R: Group E- Special Events >25 people
R: Group F: Special Events 26-50 peopl
R: Group G- 50-200
R: Group H- Over 200 people
R: Non-Profit
R: Non-Resident
R: Resident
R: Youth Sports League
[G]: Game
[P]: Practice