City of Newburyport
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Adult Pickleball: Outdoor Register View Cart

Level Play (Yellow,Orange, Red Levels)

Register for summer pickleball at Cashman Park if you are an Intermediate or Advanced Player (yellow, orange or red levels) 
Offered Monday to Friday, May 5-October 31, 2025
There will be two sessions each day 8:45-10:15 and 10:30-12:00
There will be 10 players/session
You will receive a weekly signup genius email to secure a playing spot for the following week.
Initially, you may only register for one session/week. 
The play days for each level will be decided once registration numbers are available

Casual Play

This program requires registration and is geared towards the Blue and Green Level players and is located at the court between the Bresnahan School and NBPT Sr Center. Players will be rotated through on a first come first serve basis and coordinated by Mike Menesale.

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Level Play at Cashman- Yellow 
18y and up N/A MTuWThF  05/05/2025 - 10/31/2025
08:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Cashman Park - Tennis/Pickleball Court
$10.00 Res, $20.00 Non-Res
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Level Play at Cashman- Orange 
18y and up N/A MTuWThF  05/05/2025 - 10/31/2025
08:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Cashman Park - Tennis/Pickleball Court
$10.00 Res, $20.00 Non-Res
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Level Play at Cashman- Red 
18y and up N/A MTuWThF  05/05/2025 - 10/31/2025
08:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Cashman Park - Tennis/Pickleball Court
$10.00 Res, $20.00 Non-Res
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Casual Play 
18y and up N/A MW  06/30/2025 - 08/20/2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Bresnahan Court (outside of Sr. Center)
$25.00 Res, $35.00 Non-Res
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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